
Archive for the ‘Weekend Fun’ Category

I had one of the best weekends since living in the Bay Area!

Friday night we had Joey’s brother, Justin over for some cocktails while I worked on the DIY Wood Growth Chart.

He stated “Three whiskey’s and a tea…BEST.NIGHT.EVER!”

Saturday we went to Leo’s friend’s birthday party. Aaden turned one and his parents put on an amazing first birthday.

There was a Cat in the Hat theme complete with a face painting magician dressed in character.

Leo was enthralled!

None of the children would volunteer to have their faces painted. Aaden’s dad was a good sport and came out as a tiger.

Aaden’s smash cake moment was far more successful then Leo’s (I know I haven’t posted about his party yet) and Leo wanted a front row seat.


We all switched numbers and talked about getting together in the future. We snagged an invite to the tiger’s birthday party next week.

Can I get a woot woot?!

Maybe I will make a friend and have someone to go to the craft store with!

On Sunday, Joey started organizing our closet and purging some clothing items.

He wanted me to clean up my own shit get in the mix and lured me in with a bottle of jäger.

I hadn’t had any jäger since we lived in Venice.

That’s about two years.

I allowed myself to be lured.

With Leo tucked safely into bed we took some shots and got busy.


Made a large pile for our local charity pickup on Tuesday and reorganized the entire bedroom.

I pulled out my shred bag, this holds all of the papers I needed to shred. I was supposed to have been taking it in small batches to work everyday.

That wasn’t happening.

Joey suggested burning it.

A bonfire was born!

Ok, fine! It was just a fire in the firepit table.

It was super exciting!

Joey learned something new about me.

Pryo tendencies.

Yup, I used to get in trouble for playing with matches.

Here is my “burning the evidence face.”


Sexy, I know!

We burned paper, drank jäger, talked and laughed.

It felt like 2010.

Which was amazing and a sigh of relief.

I’m sure all new parents experience the feeling of losing what made you as a couple great when adjusting to life as parents.

Throw in a new city, new job, no friends/family (for me) and some nasty postpartum depression, I think we struggled more than the average couple.

Or, it just feels that way because it is our reality.

Anyhow, we kept asking each other when we would feel like us again.

I was starting to feel like we were lost.

I saw us Sunday night and it was the best.

I love that man!

I hope you all had an awesome weekend.

P.S. My peeps (what my employees will be called from here on out) enjoyed and appreciated the treats. Plan on brining them a batch of my famous (in my circles) lasagna next week.

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